Mary Olson-Menzel, CEO, Executive Coach & Author
Mary Olson-Menzel will lead our March 18th Digital Event. Mary is a seasoned executive leadership coach and speaker with 30 years of leadership experience across global media, tech, healthcare, and many other industries. She is the founder and CEO of MVP Executive Development and a member of the Marshall Goldsmith 100 Coaches. Mary’s life’s work is dedicated to helping leaders at all levels channel what “lights them up” and inspire them to design more fulfilling and successful personal and professional journeys.
This digital event is designed for all women—whether you're an industry veteran pivoting between fields, a stay-at-home parent rejoining the workforce, or a college student finding your footing.
Mary’s national bestselling book, "What Lights You Up? Illuminate Your Path and Take the Next Big Step in Your Career" is your essential roadmap to a meaningful and fulfilling career.
Tap Into Your “Light” to Discover Your Passions:
Who are you?
What is your ‘why’?
What’s your vision?
Creating a “light log”
Uncover Your Purpose with Ikagai
What energizes you?
What makes you unique?
What is your superpower?
Learn How to Pivot in Your Career or Get Promoted:
Craft Your Story to “Rock Your Interview”
Leverage Your Network
Stay on Track with “Your Morning Power Hour”
Keep the Positive Momentum Going:
Set Yourself Up for Future Success
“ABC’s” of Gratitude
The “Power Thank You” technique
Registration includes a copy of Mary’s book which will be delivered via US Mail.